Monday, December 14, 2009

Wella Vs. Redken Color

silence in Gelsenkirchen

calmness and peace may require it. Or realize. When we meditate in public, then it is our decision to bring calm and peace to a certain place. Just the fact that we ourselves are worthy representatives this silence and peace. The question of what brings, then, answered by our deeds: SILENCE & PEACE - at this moment.

Thanks to all friends, friends and allow it pottfiction - ÖKOMED .

The next public meditation, as part of pottfiction , takes place at the opening ceremony of the Ruhr 2010. On 9 January 2010. Under the official motto: WE ARE THE FIRE.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Curtain Ideas For Living Room Patio Door

Silent Night ...

It's nice when we shopping for winter feasts and Christmas markets, we meet to talk and enjoy the merry Christmas season.

It is also nice if we in this Talking, singing, laughing and the riots are aware of what is there. In each of us: the hidden longing for tranquility, peace and holiness in ourselves

silence satisfies this longing. Meditation is the most common form of silence. In it we learn that silence leads to what we are celebrating today.

Silent Night is a holy night.

ÖKOMED is meditation in guerrilla-style. Ö Public Ko llektive Med Itation conquered many cities in the public space and transforming it into a gateway for inwardness and silence.

In meditation we the public representatives of the silence ... anyone can get a picture of it.

Meditation is one point where the noise is most dense - it is quite simple: mouth. Eyes. Good luck.

Join us:
today. Winter Festival / Christmas market Gelsenkirchen Elizabeth Place.
meeting + Intro: 15:00 clock on the stage. 15:30 start of the meditation.

Each one place. Every person counts. Every minute counts.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Where Can I Buy Fresh Mission Figs

Give your silence

had since I got involved in the silence happens, something in my bio. My own development is driven both accelerated and the other is my development came to an end - which is always the beginning. Silence opens the portal to what people use in different languages and always means one thing: God. God is also the motionless, static, horizontal reason for existence of heaven and earth, and the dynamic, urgent, vertical basic instinct of life. Both crossed themselves. And where crossing horizontal and vertical, since I am human.

I like shopping, I like to spend money and I like luxury. I can very well do without all the limitations of my quality of life - so I'm vegetarian .
The cruelty to animals is a massive reduction in my quality of life. My quality of life does not end on my outer skin - it ends at infinity.

I like shopping - also because I like people. Spend money means giving people money. I also like Christmas markets.
I've given up the loud and garish consumer to see a negative view.
I see consumption generally positive. I think for example that a woman never enough shoes and can never have too many clothes. "If there is no use, nothing works." (Jil Sander).
I want that consumption is always better. Ethical, healthier, greener. So I get up KarmaKonsum .

Synchronously, I take an attitude that their focus is not noise, not in use and is not in the dynamics. My home is eternity. There is no more than noise. Beyond the silence is silence.

All this happens in silence. From the initial Big Bang to the Christmas market was all done in that silence and stillness of this I am never separated. It is the heart of God. The heart of God is so great that everything has it place. The silence is so quiet that they can take all the noise - and yet is never consumed by them.

for myself only started by the Life in the silence the real life.
to live really, does this mean for me, go through the world of appearances through the silence, but the world of phenomena from the silence To find out and designed.

The Christmas miracle is that the silence itself appears and an unprecedented dynamic unfolds . Silent Night. Holy night.

Peaceful & quiet dynamic pressure. Both principles are always in you Right now. Look out: You can feel peace in you. You can feel momentum in you. At the same moment. Embrace both. Hugging is to love.

growth and consumption can be good. Bad is the interference.

Our Western world has become one-sided. In our Western world is dominated by the loud and garish and greedy growth principle. Conscious and sophisticated growth is healthy - unconscious and uncontrollable growth is ill.

order to strengthen the healthy, I call you and you one. To a public meditation on a Christmas market. Meditation on a Christmas market strengthens the forces of silence. In the place in you. In time. In humans, that can be touched by it. We give silence.

We show: All we have to our longing for peace and inner peace and holy quiet at night, is simply ..... be quiet.

We are not suppose to consumption and growth, not against it, people are spending money and money.

We strengthen our public meditation only the other side of reality. The page has become ill, yet the source of each health. We strengthen the silence. Simple, in which we are worthy representatives of this silence. In the public meditation.

to the slogan "SILENT NIGHT" , we meet in Gelsenkirchen on Christmas Market at Elizabeth Court, a public meditation.

Call it
Public Silence call it guerrilla meditation, call it ÖKOMED .
It's Still-being, there will find it too loud.

On Saturday the 12th December. In Gelsenkirchen. At Elizabeth Place. Front of the stage. 15.00 clock meetings and intro. 15:30 Clock start to silence!

tavern, which satisfies the yearning.
Give your silence.
This event is supported by Stiftung Mercator , Ruhr2010 , Consol Theater