Monday, October 18, 2010

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silence in Dusseldorf

Public Meditation is part of a thesis. Alicja Karczewska it has set itself the task to investigate various aspects of meditation. Public Meditation is an important part of your work. Congratulations!

Supports Alice and the project comes on Saturday to Dusseldorf! Bring your friends and celebrate with a moment of silence - amid the noise.

shows you in your dignity. There is no reason that silence, awareness, and peace, withdraw further and further.

There is a very good reason why the opposite is true:

Good things grow out of silence. And we are representatives of this silence. And indeed with joy!

More infos at Alicja

Monday, October 4, 2010

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public meditation on TV

The WDR television - directed by Marion Kainz - reported public meditation . I am very happy about this small and very nice review of the TV is now on the internet online. We are still a young movement and we are already very present. In about 25 cities, we have used in guerrilla-style silence, awareness, peace and spirituality.

We are delighted with this charming appreciation on WDR television.
WDR writes:

"At the train station in Duisburg There is the usual bustle. Right in the middle, but some people sit in the lotus position and meditate. The movement "Public Meditation" would ... of silence and awareness reflect room in the hectic everyday life "

Here you come straight to the TV report

The most peaceful activists of the world manifest the silence -.. in public. an eternal power that transforms us all. From the inside out.

World Peace begins with Inner Peace
World Revolution begins with inner revolution.

Friday, October 1, 2010

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Public Meditation applying

Public Meditation has successfully applied for in ideas, initiative, future . Now it gets interesting. We wish our competitors the best of luck and hope to win the most peaceful activists in the world.

Public welcomes all silent meditation techniques of meditation.

Public Meditation is spiritual activism in guerrilla-style.

Every action is a success. We must demand nothing. We are concerned with meditation and meditating. What we want is peace and we are still. What we want is peace and we are peaceful. We are concerned, inwardness to bring in the pedestrian zone and that's what we do.

If we get up again, we have created facts.

And that makes our strength - and it makes you happy.

speech on Facebook