8th September (unfortunately a rainy and cloudy day) was the fourth Vienna Photo Marathon instead. The aim of the world held Photo Marathon is to record from 10 bis 22 clock 24 pictures on given themes in the order given. 800 people attended, nearly 600 have the finish made it. I've just managed in time (the Marathon have so underestimated fairly) and was ranked 214th Unfortunately, the issues
were partly driven by marketing (sponsorship issues) and completely incoherent. Moreover, the overarching theme of all four previously held in Vienna Photo Marathon one unimaginative "love letter to Vienna". It would be better would the Vienna Photo Marathon - as in Berlin - by an independent association with artistic ambitions operated and not by the Vienna Economic Chamber. But it happens to be the way it is ...
So, here are the topics together with my pictures (the pictures are not working because they are so valued by the jury) - to enlarge the images just click:
movement (water at the fountain at Michalerplatz )
Life is a game (City Hall and Burgtheater)
sponsors subject: AWD - Money makes the world (National Bank)
architecture around the Black Mountain Course (detail of the Soviet war memorial)
sweet and sour
Today Tomorrow
Music in Vienna
sponsors Topic: Holiday in Africa (South African Wine at deep trench)
sponsors theme: shopping center Q19
council (Karl Marx Hof)
love and passion
sponsors subject: Gösser in nature
environmental concerns all of us
sponsors Topic: Football Euro 2008
Red is hot
views - views
moist Fröhlich
sponsors subject: incinerator Spittelau
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