"planning council Rudolf Schicker described the Karlsplatz and opera passage as the "missing link" between Kärntner Straße and the Charles Square itself, where conversions were planned or already carried out for the underground area -. together 30 years ago with the subway opened, the opera even 50 years old - he announced for the beginning of 2008 an EU-wide open design competition "
(Der Standard, 11 December)
following two posts were found among them in online. standard (which takes a poster like a progressive attitude, the other behaves predominantly conservative - but here are the two apparently found).
Ignatius of stone
04/01/2008 16:07
Re: roland rainer
...that'd be awesome - very nice.
I thought to myself, I try to visualize the whole time. One could go beyond the idea of the architect Roland Rainer and traffic calming as a kind of maximum solution, the whole area between Opera and Karlsplatz and car-free design. should
that would mean that trams, bicycles and carriages as the only road users as before in the new zone traffic on the road are. The car driveways to the large hotel (Imperial, Grand Hotel, Bristol, Sacher) remained preserved. The current Opernpassage would leave and would have to be some car subways make room (in the manner as known from Brussels or Paris). The existing car lanes would all be too pedestrian area. The whole thing can be found in detail in the following sketch.
Green : Car-free area (pedestrian area).
Yellow: area that could also be traffic-calmed
Red : Roads
red dashed : tunnel, car subways
Lila : side-street that remains open for cars
circle line tram cross the pedestrian area as currently in Favoritner Fuzo, the Linz Landstraße (Fuzo) or the Herrengasse (Fuzo).
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