certainly the easiest way Photoshop to use it. Adobe Photoshop is a very intuitive software - if you are just a long time has dealt with it. My tutorials why not focus on individual aspects, such as only coloring or only crop, but to describe any type of processing from the beginning. Even if your so I applied the first time with Photoshop in touch, you can rework the tutorials step by step along the way and learn the basics
: save file, change image size, select tools, etc.
Here you will find the tutorial PSD file:
As you can see, I've opened the image as it comes out of the camera. This means two things: First, the image is fantastic, great, actually too large to fit in all its glory on my screen. And secondly, I've shot in portrait format, it is the computer "across".
NOTE: For the first tutorial I adjust the image size. Usually you would not do it because you want to edit the image in the best possible resolution. You can change the size at this point simply omit if your nacharbeitet the tutorial, and adapt them at the end the image to the size where you need it.
can this dialog box, your image size change in various aspects: the width and height of the image, the file size in centimeters (or inches) and resolution of the image. changed the resolution one depending on whether you work on the screen and the picture on the computer or the Internet needs (then leaves the resolution at 72 dpi = dots per inch = pixels per inch). If you wanted to print your pictures, you can increase the resolution. The higher the dpi number, the finer the print. (For printing, photo postcards or whatever IMMR on, your resolution to 300 dpi, 600 or better - if your printer join in the - 1200 dpi).
As I edit the image only for this tutorial and I need therefore only on the computer, I leave the resolution unchanged at 72 dpi, the file size is also unchanged and change only the width and height. As long as is below the box "Constrain Proportions" is ticked, you must change only one of the values. I have in this case the width is set to "700" (the amount of the image then Photoshop automatically). Why only "700"? It's simple: I wanted the image size at 100% strength is fully visible on the screen ... and since there were still "outside the box" is ... well, you understand that already!
do next I set out to erect the "transverse" horizontal picture. The order of the previous steps is of course arbitrary. If it bothers you especially in your aesthetic sense, they can upgrade image of course, first erect and later change the size. raise the picture, you click on the top menu bar, click Image> Rotate Canvas> 90 ° CCW.
"Clockwise" is of course for the "clockwise" and then on Photoshop offers you also completely fine other options, such as 180 ° or UZS, etc. Holder is a great program!
So, now the image is upright, as it should - and now I save it first:
before any (costly) processing, it is worthwhile to create a storage file in Photoshop - or it can be nasty surprises , if you give in between abraucht the program or something.
click to save your in the top menu bar, click File> Save As.
will open the following dialog box:
Do you know, yes. Normal. Windows halt.
is important is that Photoshop you about two dozen file formats
offers that you can use your now. For machining it is recommended to use the Photoshop native file format PSD. In this format are all "levels" get the picture. This means something like: If you do not like what you have held with an image, you can easily correct it again ... or example, only certain Design issues (such as filters or flow levels) change the fact.
The format of "Photoshop" you will find at the top of the list. Call your file as you like, something in the sonorous style of "bild.psd. Next, something very fine!
As you have already noticed, I was disturbed when shooting either drunk or in my perception of horizontal solid. For the house in the picture is not straight, but wrong. And I'd like to correct in order to make the image look more harmonious. - Let's go ...!
Looks complicated, but is half as difficult: to have a clue now what it really is even, you can collect you at Photoshop guides. Specific attention has to be in this case not because I am on the lines are oriented only willing, if the walls and that the eaves of the house straight.
(The guides are also excellent to use if you want to set fonts to the same height or anything else need to measure!) How to get the guides? Well, first, the rulers are displayed. If this with you is not the case, please click on the top menu bar, click View> Show Rulers. Alternatively, you can the rulers also with the keyboard shortcut CTRL + R or hide.
Rulers there? Then you just click with the cursor on the ruler and "pulls" a blue guide you into the picture. (I have not exaggerated or so, but I think the number of auxiliary lines is unlimited).
guides too?
good condition. Then ... to
edit the picture (and not only that, a backup of the photos, in case we do not like what we host it), your copied the photo again. This your right-click on the "Background" layer and Duplicate Layer clicks. (Alternatively, you can also use the cursor to the "Background" layer and click the layer to the "new layer" icon . Draw The "new layer" icon is the small side down, next to the "trash can" icon)
It's getting exciting. Now we focus on the house! In fact, it provides, in buildings simply beautiful (and professional), when the walls are straight. (So on your photos. And in the real world anyway!)
Click on the top menu bar, click Edit> Transform> Distort.
appear next to your picture now so small rectangles, which you can distort the picture. It takes some practice and skill ... So just pulls and pulls until the House using your guides "even" looks like.
a hint: In order to have more distortion at the overview, it can be helpful to reduce the size of the display of your image slightly. For each picture you at the top of Photoshop writes the name of the file and the display size (100% / 66.7% / 50% /, etc.) This window size, you can change easily, either with the little "magnifying glass" icon from the left tool menu. Given your just click the image and it will be correspondingly larger. To zoom out, hold the just click the ALT key. A second possibility is this: hold down the CTRL key and the numeric keypad the "+" or "-" buttons. Is it gone?
At the end of your house at any rate should be straight. Something like the picture above. The guides you will simply go back by clicking on them and pulls back on's lines!
Next, I optimize the look of the photo. Granted, I have taken the photo, it was a bit cloudy. I want to give the image but a brighter, sunnier expression. This tinkering I first created by the "curve" around. The "Gradationkurve" manipulated (roughly speaking) the brightness of an image. If your pictures are so times become too light or too dark, or your simply determined aspects wanted to highlight the picture or change the look, play a bit around with the tone curve.
Click on Image> Adjustments> Curves.
Now I round the picture even with some "heat" on. Meaning, I mix the colors a little picture in yellow, then it looks like much more like sunshine. Click on the top menu bar, click Image> Adjustments> Color Balance (or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + B).
With this tool (color balance) You can control three brightness ranges, the "depth", "middle notes" and "Lights." For this tutorial, please respect the fact that the bottom "Preserve Luminosity" box is unchecked. The mid-tones I have the value "-60" regulated to yellow, and the depths (as shown in the picture) to "-30" Yellow. The Color Balance You can do much good, so try a little like that around, what image you feel like the most.
Sunday and now? Actually, I like the image at this point quite well. Nevertheless, I will now hold two things with it: First, I want the color of the sky a little to make "summer". And for that I need first a new level.
Okay, to mask out the sky in Photoshop, you can invest any amount of time. In this case, because the sky is made of a less discriminating gray soup, I use the Magic Wand tool.
the "magic wand" in Photoshop you will find tools in the left menu in the left column, the second from the top. With this tool you can now get a "tolerance" setting, that could set your how coarse or fine should be the choice. Since we want to select the entire sky, and not just a certain gray value, we use a tolerance of "50". (The smaller the number, the . Fine limits the selection remains on a small area, the bigger, more brightness and color levels are included in the selection)
If you selected the Magic Wand tool and the tolerance you set, just click once on the sky - - even the sky would be completely selected.
the Color value you can set as follows: In the left toolbar gives it an icon with which you can set the foreground and background color. It is directly under the hand and a magnifying glass, according to preset a black rectangle in the foreground, a white background.
Click on the field for the foreground color and you see the following message:
Now you can either set the color picker with a unique color or directly below (enter in the "#" the color value). In the example, as I said: "33B9FF.
With the Gradient tool, we paint us today our sky. The Gradient tool can be found in the tool bar in the left column, approximately in the middle, you can select it with the keyboard shortcut "G". (Should be to see a bucket of paint instead of the "History", click the cursor on the paint bucket and holding down short). should
Now you just click in the sky, hold down and draws the line as long as your gradient are. For me, the course ends outside of the marked with the "magic wand" area, just above the man's head. By selecting your gradient fill only the sky!
a selection you can "pick up" by pressing your CTRL + D
looks Exactly like the sky yet. Therefore I will screw the opacity of the color a bit and change the overlay mode of the layers. Opacity simply describes the transparency of your level: The higher the value, the more opaque it is, the lower the more transparent. The layer mode (or layer style) describes how the plane is to be stored on other levels. If you click on the small selection box, you have the choice between "normal", "dot", "multiply", etc. selected for the current example on "multiply" and the opacity of your controls to "30".
As previously learned, you lay now with the little "page" icon (yes, really: in addition to the "trash") to another new level, with me "level 2". What we do with it? Well, it is not necessary. But I think it's quite nice: the floor in the foreground, we want to make something darker. And do we take the "lasso" tool. This can be found under the Tools menu, left column, second from the top. And now you simply draws up a closed area where we want to make the floor like a little darker.
Yes, especially the fine should not be. How do you want, stop. Freedom!
Now transfer knowledge is needed: Just now I have already explained, as you choose a color. You can now see the same again! Please use the color value "343 606", or a dark brown. To paint the selected area with the lasso with that color, you must either right-click in the selection area and click on "Surface> foreground color fill" - or shorter: ALT + DELETE. (The same could you do that with the background color, then is the keyboard shortcut: CTRL + DELETE)
Next, we want to make this color region heavily blurred. We use one of many Photoshop filters.
These clicks, use the top menu bar, click Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur.
... and represents the radius of the blur on "30".
now, you're already old PS-rabbit. The opacity of our brown ink area (level 2) we now set to "25" ... and already everything looks great!
Actually, we are now just finished. But because this is our first tutorial, I show you now how to save the image perfectly. First of all you pressed on this point (and preferably after each important processing step) CTRL + S to your work in Photoshop (bild.psd) to save.
The Photoshop format preserves all layer information, but is not such as Internet browsers represented ... wanted and even if you send your print photos or, usually other file formats are preferred to see some JPEG or GIF.
To save your picture masterpiece now in one of these file formats, can you click on File> Save For Web. You will now see your image surrounded by a complicated-looking menu. but everything is so bad!
this menu pane you see the top right. Here you can choose between JPEG, GIF and PNG select a file format (which I usually JPEG or JPG for photos used for GIF images), the quality between the "lowlands", "medium" and "high" and whether the image created in several stages (and later to be loaded).
If you look closely, you realize pretty quickly that the image loses quality, depending on your lowers the value. The lower the quality, the smaller the file size of course later on - and match: the load times. If you want your edited images, but you print or the Internet download times are just not care, just always take quality "100."
is particularly clear here the "2-way" or "4-fold" display in Photoshop: This rider can be found at top left. One click and you have the program shows how the image will look like with what quality selection.
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