Thursday, December 23, 2010

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Dimensions Of A Buggy

At the turn

Time is encountered in many forms.
seconds and minutes provide hassle.
days and weeks are the everyday.
Only the years to make the survey possible.
the year allows us to pause, rest in
back and looking ahead. This
common ritual unites us human beings.
We talk about was what.
We want to plan and hope that will happen.

At the turn of a small series of images as you wish and as .

Best regards,

Luzia Count Willem Lammers & Lammers, is with Team ias

Monday, December 6, 2010

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New program Logosynthesis 2011!

The logo synthesis in a permanent state of evolution. This has so far made it difficult to plan for the course: There was always something new. And now, for the first time, an annual program to help you set the data in 2011 ever can.
you study with us in a pleasant atmosphere in the sunny Rhine valley, away from the city. As an expert you know that they work better and more easily with others when they clean out your own stumbling blocks out of their way. The Logosynthesis helps your customers way.

Program 2011 herunderladen

Friday, December 3, 2010

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ias 2011: Training & Coaching Supervision BSO / ias

training (pdf).: Coaching & Supervision BSO / SGfB
a solid education with a focus on people in the organization. For experienced professionals with a foundation in the field of counseling.
  • Start: 03/10/2011
  • Duration: 3 years
  • circumference: 66 days and 60 hours of training supervision
  • target group: Professionals from business management, controlling, adult education, youth development, staff development, leadership, school management, counseling, social work, nursing, hospital and nursing home management
  • Admission requirements: university / college with 30 hours of supervision, or higher vocational school with additional training, such as "Coaching Competence" , AEB, TA certificate or similar preparation
  • recognition of the diploma by BSO and SGfB
Here you can find detailed information

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SGfB at a glance 2011: The formation of OE at a glance

Education: Organizational Development BSO
you learn to work on mission, strategy, structure and culture , like-minded people in a group. For specialists and executives with a basic training in coaching, supervision and psychotherapy.
  • Start: 03/03/2011
  • Duration: 2 years
  • circumference: 45 days and 60 hours of training supervision / project support
  • Target audience: professionals in business administration, computer science, management, marketing, medicine, human development, psychology, school social work, Hospital
  • Admission requirements: university / college with 30 hours of supervision, or higher vocational school with additional training, such as "Coaching Competence", AEB, TA certificate or similar preparation - take you to contact us!
  • Diploma in organizational development / in recognition of BSO
Here are the documents!

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ias 2011: The Basic Training Coaching Competence at a glance

Coaching Basic Competence

coaching to learn with the best. Ideal for daily use, hold in the group, away from the city.
  • Novice / inside
  • start: 5 May 2011
  • Duration: 4 semesters
  • circumference: 45 days and 10 hours of individual teaching supervision
  • Target audience: professionals in business administration, computer science, management, marketing, human resources development, maintenance, school
  • Admission requirements: Secondary School or higher
  • Degree: Certificate ias coaching basics
  • prepare for the new Professional Certificate BBT
  • course in cooperation with the Academy of St. Gallen, the experienced professional trainers
Get detailed information!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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Logosynthesis Basic, 11-13. February in Bad Ragaz Guide

If your profession is changing, we invite you to be happy: for the next introductory course in the beautiful house in Bristol Bad Ragaz, 11-13. February.
This course has been visited by more than 600 professionals. It can be applied immediately and reduce your emotional stress by the consulting work. You can breathe again. More information about the model and the method can be found .

registration form

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Logosynthesis is a beautiful, elegant and efficient method in dealing with the potholes, construction sites, blockades and detours on the road of life. A method that goes with little visible effort very low and the contact with the sense of one's life is restored. The logo is used for synthesis of self-coaching and professional supports change.
Andrea Fredi and I now have a brief but comprehensive guide written an e-book. Not everyone wants an instant book Buy, but we want the logo synthesis is still among the people. You may also send it on to your friends and friends!

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discovered :
... The free man is the willing without arbitrariness. He believes in the reality, that is, he believes in the real solidarity of the real duality "I and Thou." Those who believe in this reality, she acknowledges, she wants it all to be operationalized and Trainable of "social competence" is not enough, although value and necessity of it here should not be denied. Programs for school and staff development, in which the various social skills be treated as trainable operations are essential, but you should always keep in mind that this is even not the essence of the personal. For if social skills primarily understood as the capacity to dialogue, it's no longer just an available skill-on promising social strategies, but a turning to the other, when it's not just the cause, but also for the soul of authentic relationship and the mind as the search for the common sense of each conversation or conflict situation ...

Monday, November 22, 2010

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Spiral Dynamics with Hans Ruijs, 27-28. January

May I invite you for a ground-breaking seminar?

Spiral Dynamics Integral

27th - 28 January 2011 (Thu-Fri), 10.00-18.00 and 9.00-18.00 clock in Bad Ragaz.

does consulting for people and organizations not only an understanding of people in their organizations. You must also provide a vision for their development.

Spiral Dynamics integral
(SDi) is a development model of Don Beck and Chris Cowan. It is based on the work of the American psychologist Clare W. Graves. SDi allowed to understand people, organization and society in the course of its history. The model provides a framework for the understanding of development processes and monitoring of change. It allows to deal adequately with the variety of people - individuals, Groups, organizations, nations and global society. In this seminar, you are preparing the basis for an introductory text . Flyer

Monday, November 15, 2010

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Soul Hygiene for the City

Some people put it:
your anxiety and confusion
contribute to a quiet and clear place.
invite her soul waste from
and hope for cleaning.

guerrilla meditators do it this way:
They make their peace & awareness
to places of noise and confuses.

guerrilla meditators breath noise a
and exhale silence .

public meditation is soul Hygiene for the City.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

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Immediately. On the spot.

Some people are looking for a place to be quiet,
to her innermost feeling,
to get in connection with that
what is always and always true.
For some people, this place is a church,
or a meditation room.
We honor this culture.

And we also say
The place where you can take the connection with your deepest essence is always where you are.

And if you middle of the city are and you feel that right now it is time to be quiet ...

Yes then - heaven - is just that

Immediately. On the spot.

heart on.

spirituality means to take simply the decision here and now keep the promise you gave your soul.

Thanks to Stefan Kalscheid for this outstanding implementation of the idea of meditation public.
Thanks also to Alicja Karczzewska!

Monday, October 18, 2010

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silence in Dusseldorf

Public Meditation is part of a thesis. Alicja Karczewska it has set itself the task to investigate various aspects of meditation. Public Meditation is an important part of your work. Congratulations!

Supports Alice and the project comes on Saturday to Dusseldorf! Bring your friends and celebrate with a moment of silence - amid the noise.

shows you in your dignity. There is no reason that silence, awareness, and peace, withdraw further and further.

There is a very good reason why the opposite is true:

Good things grow out of silence. And we are representatives of this silence. And indeed with joy!

More infos at Alicja

Monday, October 4, 2010

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public meditation on TV

The WDR television - directed by Marion Kainz - reported public meditation . I am very happy about this small and very nice review of the TV is now on the internet online. We are still a young movement and we are already very present. In about 25 cities, we have used in guerrilla-style silence, awareness, peace and spirituality.

We are delighted with this charming appreciation on WDR television.
WDR writes:

"At the train station in Duisburg There is the usual bustle. Right in the middle, but some people sit in the lotus position and meditate. The movement "Public Meditation" would ... of silence and awareness reflect room in the hectic everyday life "

Here you come straight to the TV report

The most peaceful activists of the world manifest the silence -.. in public. an eternal power that transforms us all. From the inside out.

World Peace begins with Inner Peace
World Revolution begins with inner revolution.

Friday, October 1, 2010

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Public Meditation applying

Public Meditation has successfully applied for in ideas, initiative, future . Now it gets interesting. We wish our competitors the best of luck and hope to win the most peaceful activists in the world.

Public welcomes all silent meditation techniques of meditation.

Public Meditation is spiritual activism in guerrilla-style.

Every action is a success. We must demand nothing. We are concerned with meditation and meditating. What we want is peace and we are still. What we want is peace and we are peaceful. We are concerned, inwardness to bring in the pedestrian zone and that's what we do.

If we get up again, we have created facts.

And that makes our strength - and it makes you happy.

speech on Facebook

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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pictures - no words

Friday, September 10, 2010

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World peace begins with inner peace

Public Meditation on Peace
21st September 2010, Dusiburg, 15-20 Clock

The 21st September is the International Day of Peace "- proclaimed by the United Nations. is why public support meditation this day by public meditation. This public meditation is recorded by WDR television.

begins where world peace?
Somewhere in the world?
in the government? ?
Always with "the other
Or start world peace in you
We have had the experience: World peace begins with inner peace

And Peace is more than the silent weapon.. how to be lonely in a crowd can, so can the lack of peace, when apparently there is peace. We do not speak of peace prevails. We talk about the peace of the living. In you and through you through. In your heart. Wherever you are. Whoever you are. Your true essence is silence. Is peace.

eyes: -

In meditation, you can feel this peace, and open out to him the peace and tranquility, the center of your are. Mouth. Heart on.

The simplest, most radical and most dignified way of representing peace & silence is meditation.

We want the war and unconscious, and the bustle and the noise does not left the public rooms. We want to bring awareness, peace & tranquility in a powerful way in the public space. By us: the people. We are working for. In the truest sense of the word.

Perhaps you will make the external noise and bustle nervous. Perhaps you feel afraid - also welcome the wide in the silence of your heart.

you peaceful warrior.

then maybe you will make the exciting experience that touch your very quiet peace of the place, the people and you. And when you go home, you will . Have realized exactly what you wanted: awareness, peace & quiet it was there - because we were there .

Public welcomes all silent meditation techniques of meditation. ( Under "meditate public" you can find all the info )

Our silence will unfold peace. We demand nothing. We are simply quiet and peaceful. Thus we are exactly the quality we want for the world.

We are the peace and silence, for we are committed. And everyone can take a picture of it. Therefore, we also thank WDR, which will make visible our silence on this day for many people.

We open our hearts to ascend the quiet peace bird can. Because peace comes not only from the outside - it unfolds from your open heart and quiet. We do not talk about peace. We represent him. Just the fact that we are there we are: still & peaceful, and infinitely powerful!

world peace begins with inner peace. Us.

21st September 2010, 15:00 meeting point in front of the Citibank- . The action is - in different places - Max. Clock 20 to go. We ask you much that you - to be dignified even by the shots - as long as possible here are. Maybe you also wanted to be available for interviews. Just as you're funny. Children and friends are welcome of course ... questions? Let's have some fun peaceful & silent!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

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rainbow over the house Bristol

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ias working Conferences 2010

The working conferences, "the learning organization" the heart of the training courses are on ias. Each year, several groups will meet at the conference hotel on Lake Lucerne Fürigen The participants with a wide range of exciting tasks that are embedded in a current social issue received. The concept is unique. When in 2011 an education in coaching, supervision and OE have envisaged you must read this text provides !

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The list ias wit and wisdom

Life is already serious enough. For several years, we therefore manage a mailing list of "wit and wisdom", with pictures and messages, which samples the playful use of the deadly seriousness.
The contributions come at irregular intervals.

Join by Mail

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How Can You Advise Someone Who Is Stressd

House Bristol with a difference

ias biedt its services in Bad Ragaz, Bristol in the house opposite the train station. There are also a nice 3D view of this house, with lots of information about the construction: this found .

Thursday, July 22, 2010

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Public Meditation on the highway

Public Meditation on the highway - Still-life Ruhrschnellweg from Public Meditation on Vimeo . By Aaron Bolte . See more on:

Monday, July 19, 2010

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STILL LIFE - A reef of silence

As STILL LIFE, the action was to Ruhr2010 been announced over 2 million people came and celebrated. the Kulturhapustadt Europe on the closed A40. And those, who had the courage and strength to represent this theme perfectly were the many ladies and gentleman in the pictures below . Thanks to Pott Fiction for the wonderful perfomance, thanks to Aaron Bolton & Anna Litvak for strong images and local support, thanks for the good press (the actions of thousands of the Public Meditation as a visual hook used) and thank you to all unsung heroes! You were not just kind of there - You were really there present. - A reef of silence. Stark & beautiful! (click images to enlarge ...)