That's a nice action here started. The first questions for January should be up to 20.1. be answered, so I'm using the same.
first What was your first book you've read and we have you get it?
I seem to remember that I read first "The Children of Noisy Village". I got it from my mom in the summer because I was 5.5 years old. The copy I still have. Now we read it together with my five year old daughter.
second How did you become a bookworm?
That just happened. According to stories of my family I've always been interested in books, learned to read quickly and then swallowed everything.
third How many books do you read on average a month?
Depending on the thickness of the book about 5-8 pieces. Unfortunately, sometimes less.
4th Did you have them read you as if you had no chance to read. If so by whom?
this I am absolutely can not remember but determined. I type mostly my mom has read.
5th How many books do you have?
too difficult. I can not answer the question because so many books have remained with my parents. Certainly more than a thousand but how many exactly? No idea.
6th See you from your bookshelf.
In the previous post I show my bookshelf for the sub. That must now reach for now.
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