Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Negative Pregnancy Test But Frequent Urination

" Öland "Johan Theorin

70th Years, Öland - the grandparents to look after the five-year Jens. When Grandpa comes to the boat house and the grandma falls asleep, removed the boy and goes to the Alvar - the steppe-like landscape, the interior of the island covered. Although Jens will be looking for a large area, he still lost. Julia, his mother, has been found not in the twenty years since the disappearances of her son with this fact. One day her father, she calls and tells of new tracks from Jens, she decides to go to Öland. There she begins with the grieving process and helps her dad reopen the case of her son.

How is it possible that another Scandinavian Crime arrives with the readers?
Theorin it achieves a wonderful representation of the conditions to leave the island. The island itself provides a unique backdrop for the plot - isolation, wild nature, steep cliffs, the raging sea, and the autumn weather with rain and storm to build on the atmosphere. At the same time, the author describes the social and economic conditions on Öland. The construction of the bridge that connects mainland Öland will change the lives - of a fishing island, the island developed into a tourism center. Many villages are dying out and live on only in the season.

"Öland" is above all but a detective story and the events surrounding the disappearance of Jens most important. Initially, everything happened in a moderate pace - Theorin leads the reader into the complex events of the 30th Years slowly. Sometimes one gets the impression that everything is clear and the author, only the details will be revealed. But then the pace accelerated to such an extent that one wants to swallow the formal sentences to run faster to get ahead and learn how Theorin will refute the seemingly simple solution of the case. He succeeds masterfully, and I am sure that most readers will be surprised at the end.

Theorin works with short, concise sentences. The chapters are also short and playing alternately in the present and the past. These "tricks" to captivate the reader and make the book so exciting.

is actually in "Öland" not innovative. Theorin working with proven, traditional methods and also achieved his goal of creating an exciting thriller. I have unnecessarily set to an absolute thriller hit, it's certainly a good read but nothing more.

My Rating: 4.5 / 6

J Ohan Theorin Öland, translated by Kevin Schöps, 447 pages, Piper.


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