A few days ago, I have "God Country" read and Szczygieł features I liked so much that I immediately wanted to read another book by him. Fortunately, I got a few days of this little book and was able to read it finished in one evening.
This somewhat cheesy cover and the title (in German `a little` fad) are the reader is not fooled. The book contains seven wonderful reports. Szczygiel me again taken with his comments, simple questions, his simple yet convinced (!) Sensitive language.
All reports dealing with women - seemingly ordinary people, but all are in some way special.
added Am I like the best first feature. Szczygiel describes the Diaries of Janice Turek. She has her whole life cataloged everything - chance meetings, breakfasts, lunches, dinners, gifts, no matter how small they were, read books (where I know it?), Films seen, all telephone calls, visits, etc. Each event got a number and was counted. Incredible! The family of Mrs. Turek knew from their hobby, or rather forced her (?) Nothing. After her death, countless books have been discovered. I really like statistics and I feel better when my world is sorted - so perhaps my fascination with the legacy of Mrs. Turek.
The other features are equally interesting. Szczygiel trying to learn what motivates women to Ania to be photographed on a regular basis. There are no ordinary photos - several days before she is preparing to elaborate - they sew and can even create your own choreography costumes.
The author becomes a detective, he as a old list with several names of women occurs. When each name is the date of birth and address.
The final report has touched me very much - Szczygiel presents a selection of fragments from the 52-year correspondence between the two study friends. Each week they have written a letter and even though they have lived relatively close, they met only rarely.
The book was not published in German, unfortunately - probably some of the reports are too specific. A pity, I would have highly recommended you!
My Rating: 6 / 6
Mariusz Szczygieł, Kaprysik, 192 pages, Agora SA
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